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Virus: No, not that one!


Most people on spotting this word, will immediately think of the Corona virus that currently holds the whole world ransom in its vice-like grip. Today however, I want to explore a different virus.

The one that makes the most level-headed person behave like a lunatic; makes you obsessive; takes away your sleep and appetite; makes you light-headed, leave you floating around with scales on your eyes and an idiotic grin on your face. The virus of “Falling in Love”. This virus that makes you feel good all over, see the world through rose tinted glasses and live for the moments you can be with your beloved. It results in intrusive thoughts which take over your brain and turns it into mush or inspires you to write poetry. “Love makes a poet out of everyone.” The object of your infatuation is the last thought when you unwillingly drift off to sleep and the first thought when you wake up. The virus let you dream up endless scenarios encasing you and the beloved in your own protective, unrealistic bubble.

Well, we all know what happens to bubbles, don’t we? Your sight returns, albeit slowly, and you begin to see the object of your affection a little more clearly. Spending more and more time together with a person will do that. Little traits that was so endearing can become serious sources of irritation; you start to miss the other people for whom you were scandalously unavailable because you needed to spend every spare second with the beloved. Feelings of unease surface as you begin to notice little tell-tale signs of underlying problems. Gradually the rose-coloured glasses start to slip and you regain twenty-twenty vision.

From here it can go three ways: Number one: “What was I thinking?” comes to mind and you move on. Each unique situation will determine how much or little heartache follows, because someone always gets hurt. Secondly, you keep thinking that if you only do this, that or the other, the other person will change and you will live happily ever after. This scenario rarely or never has a positive outcome. Thirdly, you can appreciate the other’s positive traits and decide to live with the rest, and ideally, the other person feels the same.

Something beautiful and fulfilling can evolve from this virus. It brings joy as well as sadness, patience as well as impatience, fulfilment as well as sacrifice. It is called LOVE and how lucky are the ones who have a loving partner to help navigate the sea of life.


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